Thursday, March 1, 2012

Six Days of Deals!

HELLO! Welcome to my Magnetic Art blog! For those of your who haven't visited my website (shame on you), I create fabulous glass magnets (and other fun stuff coming soon). So fabulous in fact that everyone should have at least one set!

I would like to help make that a possibility

Now I wish I could just give a set away to everyone-but if I did that, I wouldn't be in business-so here's what I'm going to do instead: every day next week (Monday-Saturday) I'm going to have a NEW product half off!!!

Here's the game plan:
1. Monday morning (March 5th) between 7 and 8 a.m. I will post the first deal.
2. Each deal will be available for 24-hours, after which I will immediately post the next deal.
3. You may purchase as many sets as you wish! If you want more than are available on my website, please send me a message on etsy THAT DAY and I will set up a private listing for you with as many as you need.
4. Every product will still be available on my website after the 24-hour discount period, but will no longer be discounted. 
 5. The last deal will be Saturday the 10th. This is 6 days of deals!!!

At prices this good, you may want to give some as gifts to friends, family, or ladies you visit teach...the list is endless!

To make sure you don't miss a single deal, sign up to "follow by email".

I will post a link on facebook for each new deal...but make sure you "like" me on Facebook so that you can get those updates too. You won't want to miss these deals!!

I'm thinking this is a great way to start off the new blog with a bang!

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