Saturday, April 14, 2012

Busy, exhausted, and LOVING IT!

Well I've got two craft fairs under my belt! Last weekend I did the one at the Logan Rec Center. It was kind of a joke. I feel bad for the people who were putting it on because they didn't realize that Easter Saturday was a poor choice until that day. Lots of people were at egg hunts with their kids and/or with family. They're going to do it again next year and will do it a different weekend. I at least made enough money to cover my booth fee so I didn't go negative.

Here's a picture of my display. Not a bad start but I hate how cluttered it looks.

I just got home a few hours ago from Pocatello, ID. They had a craft fair up there that I entered in. It was kind of nice because it was one where there is a central check out so I didn't have to be there the whole time, I only had to go up to set up and then at the end to take everything down. 

I did better at this one than the last one, but still didn't come out too much on top. This particular fair has one in the spring and another in the late fall around all the holidays. I will probably do that one, but if it's not much better than this one I won't do it again. It's a lot of driving, so it will have to be worth it. 

Here's a picture of my display. As you can see, it is much more organized! :) I'm hoping in the near future I will get the metal grid panels to put up around as a backdrop.

I have some very exciting news!!

I'M GOING TO BE IN THE FARMER'S MARKET!! I met with a panel of people today to show them my product and they would decide if I got in or not. They said that since they don't already have any vendors selling anything like what I have, that I get to be in! I am so very excited. It will keep me busy and occupied during the summer. 

I have another craft fair next weekend (Kaysville) and the following weekend is one in Hyrum. The first weekend of May I will be in Clearfield, UT at another craft fair, and then on the 12th is the first day of the farmer's market. Can you say booked?!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My fingers hurt...

I am only a few days into my spring break and my fingers already hurt from cutting out and gluing magnets - and I still have a long way to go. This Saturday is my first craft fair! I think it's a good one to start out with because it's not huge, it wasn't expensive, and it's in town. I'm making as many magnet sets as I can because whatever I don't sell Saturday I will take with me next weekend to Pocatello for my next craft fair! That one is going to be a lot bigger. And they also really want you to do major decorating on your tables...that's where I'm screwed. I have no idea what to do with decorating. In my mind I just want to set out my magnets and be done with it. Turns out these craft fairs are as much about decorating as they are about selling your product. Who knew! I'll take pics of my booth and put them up here. Maybe after I'm a seasoned "crafter" my table will look like a pro!

What's nice about it though is I will go up Thursday evening to set up and then I can come home and don't have to go back until Saturday afternoon to work a 2-hour shift and break down by booth. It's one of those indoor fairs where they have a central check-out; I just have to put my price and my craft # on each item and they keep track of how much money I make and then send me a check. I'm totally down with that.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Don't miss out on deals!

Thank you to everyone to participated in my 6 days of deals! I had a lot of fun listing all of those new products. 

I will randomly post a % off code here on my blog which will only be valid for a certain period of time, so make sure you follow this blog so you don't miss out!!!

This set will go live on my website sometime this week.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Deal 6 of 6!!!

Alrighty everyone, here's the last HALF OFF deal!!

This will make any music lover here

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Deal 5 of 6

This is the second to last deal! I'm posting it early because I get to sleep in a little bit tomorrow and I'm going to take advantage of it. :) 

Today's deal is not a magnet. It is a new product that I am just now releasing!!!

It's a giant paper clip bookmark!

Now, in the listing it says that you have only four choices of bookmarks (skeleton pirate, pink zebra, shamrock, and your initial). Well, for those of you who are checking my blog I will sweeten the deal. You can choose ANY magnet on my site that you want as your bookmark topper! That means if you really like the distressed stars, you can have one of those as your bookmark topper. In the "note to seller" make sure you specify which set you want yours from. 

Deal 4 of 6!

I had a hard time deciding whether or not to do today's deal...but I want to give you guys amazing deals!!!

If you have children learning to read and write, this set is PERFECT FOR YOU(at an amazing price too)!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Deal 3 of 6

3 deals down...3 more to go! I hope everyone is having fun this week because I know I am!!!

Here was yesterday's half off set...

If you are a fan of paisley, you are going to enjoy today's magnet set!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Deal 2 of 6

I hope everyone who got the deal yesterday enjoys their adorable monkey magnets!!! Here's what they got:

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Deal 1 of 6!!!

So I wasn't planning on doing the first post until Monday morning...but I'm just too excited! Here's the first deal!!

Today's deal is...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Six Days of Deals!

HELLO! Welcome to my Magnetic Art blog! For those of your who haven't visited my website (shame on you), I create fabulous glass magnets (and other fun stuff coming soon). So fabulous in fact that everyone should have at least one set!

I would like to help make that a possibility

Now I wish I could just give a set away to everyone-but if I did that, I wouldn't be in business-so here's what I'm going to do instead: every day next week (Monday-Saturday) I'm going to have a NEW product half off!!!

Here's the game plan:
1. Monday morning (March 5th) between 7 and 8 a.m. I will post the first deal.
2. Each deal will be available for 24-hours, after which I will immediately post the next deal.
3. You may purchase as many sets as you wish! If you want more than are available on my website, please send me a message on etsy THAT DAY and I will set up a private listing for you with as many as you need.
4. Every product will still be available on my website after the 24-hour discount period, but will no longer be discounted. 
 5. The last deal will be Saturday the 10th. This is 6 days of deals!!!

At prices this good, you may want to give some as gifts to friends, family, or ladies you visit teach...the list is endless!

To make sure you don't miss a single deal, sign up to "follow by email".

I will post a link on facebook for each new deal...but make sure you "like" me on Facebook so that you can get those updates too. You won't want to miss these deals!!

I'm thinking this is a great way to start off the new blog with a bang!